Make a glass-blown planter, find a garden tour: 67 things for plant lovers to try in June | Home & Garden
This June, take a break from your garden chores to learn something new.
There are dozens of sessions, in-person and virtual, to make and learn about plants.
Join a garden tour to get inspiration or a foraging walk to gather food.
Sign up for a class to learn how to grow carnivorous plants or how to grow your own cut flower garden.
There are also sessions to make planters that can stand the hottest days of summer. You can also make things like a butterfly puddler or fairy doors for trees.
Here’s a roundup of garden events in the Lancaster County region this June.
Ask the Experts about Shade Gardening with Perennials. Wednesday, June 1, 1 p.m. This online talk from National Garden Bureau focuses on the best perennials for shade gardens. Free. Register online.
First Friday Dried Floral Essential Oil Potpourri. Friday, June 3, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Drop-in at Central Market Flowers to make an essential oil potpourri blend with local dried flowers. At 258 N. Queen St. A $10 deposit will go towards materials (which start at $25). Register online.
Women’s Intro to Foraging. Friday, June 3, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Join a foraging walk led by a woman for women to learn the essentials of foraging. At Horn Farm Center, 4945 Horn Road, Hallam. $25. Register online.
Plant Sale. Friday, June 3, 3-7 p.m. and Saturday, June 4, 7 a.m.-1 p.m. Hospice and Community Care and the Gilded Lily at 685 Good Drive, Lancaster. Proceeds benefit the nonprofit.
Spreading Blooms: Planting with Pollinators Potting Workshop. Saturday, June 4, 11 a.m. (plus 2 p.m.). Make a heat-tolerant pollinator planter at Perfect Pots’ greenhouse, 745 Strasburg Pike. $10 deposit will be used for materials. Register online (11 a.m. and 2 p.m.).
Pop-Up Plant Bar. Saturday, June 4, noon-6 p.m. Make your own planter at the build-your-own plant bar at Nissley Vineyards Winery & Estate, 140 Vintage Dr., Bainbridge. $15-75. Reserve a spot online.
Rain Garden Expo. Saturday, June 4, 1-4 p.m. Brightside Baptist Church dedicates its new rain garden in this Water Week event. There will also be activities for families and native plant vendors. 515 Hershey Ave. Free. Register online.
Knowing Native Plants: Focus on Ferns. Saturday, June 4, 1-4 p.m. This virtual talk from Bowman’s Hill Wildflower Preserve explores native ferns. $25 (in-person class with a guided walk is $30). Register online.
Botany for Foragers: Fruits. Saturday, June 4, 1-3 p.m. Join a foraging walk led with a focus on fruit. At Horn Farm Center, 4945 Horn Road, Hallam. $25. Register online.
June Foraging Walk. Sunday, June 5, 10 a.m.-noon. Join a foraging walk to learn what the natural world has to offer at Horn Farm Center, 4945 Horn Road, Hallam. $25. Register online.
Marietta Garden Tour. Sunday, June 5, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Tour eight gardens in and around Marietta. $10 (advance, $12 on tour day at Marietta Community House, 264 W. Market St.)
Guided Nature Walk: Wildflowers. Sunday, June 5, 1-3 p.m. Join a foraging walk to learn about wildflowers at Horn Farm Center, 4945 Horn Road, Hallam. $15. Register online.
Begonias: Diversity, Culture and Care, Conservation. Sunday, June 5, 4-5 p.m. In this virtual talk from the Hardy Plant Society’s Mid-Atlantic Group, learn about the begonia genus, one of the largest in the plant kingdom. Free. Register online.
Landis Homes Wetland Walking Tour. Monday, June 6, 4-5 p.m. (and other dates) In this Water Week event, learn about restoration efforts including wildflower and lawn conversions, stream and wetland restoration and plant species. 1143 E. Oregon Road, Lititz. Free. Register online.
Soil Science: Exploring the World Beneath Our Feet With Annie Novak. Monday, June 6, 6:30-8 p.m. (starts). In this online, three-session class from Atlas Obscura, dig into the composition, ecology, health and restoration of soils. $65. Register online.
Virtual Lunchtime Tour: Rose Garden. Tuesday, June 7, noon-1 p.m. In this virtual tour from Scott Arboretum, learn about the roses. Free. Watch online.
Ask the Experts about Phlox. Tuesday, June 7, 1 p.m. This online talk from National Garden Bureau focuses on growing perennial phlox. Free. Register online.
Unexpected Combinations: Succulents and Bromeliads. Wednesday, June 8, 6 p.m. This online talk from Longwood Gardens explains how to create a textural, dynamic arrangement. $279 includes materials and plants shipped to your home. Register online.
Rain Garden Maintenance Workshop. Wednesday, June 8, 6-8 p.m. In this Water Week event, learn how to keep your rain garden flourishing for years. East Petersburg Community Gardens, 2899 Graystone Road, East Petersburg. Free. Register online.
How to Incorporate Cut Flowers into the Home Landscape. Wednesday, June 8, 6:30-7:15 p.m. In this webinar from Penn State Extension, learn how to grow, harvest and use cut flowers. Free. Register online.
Oral Histories for the Community Garden. Wednesday, June 8, 6:30-7:30 p.m. In this online lecture from Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, learn how to conduct an oral history to preserve your community garden’s memory. Free. Register online.
Container Gardening Workshop. Thursday, June 9, 6-8 p.m. Learn how to create and maintain container gardens from Laura Lapp of Perfect Pots at the Penn Stone, 190 W. Ross St., Lancaster.
Time Goes On. Friday, June 10, 9 a.m.-7 p.m. and Saturday, June 11, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Garden Club Federation of Pennsylvania will host this standard flower show for garden clubs in the region including Lancaster County. At Grumbacher Sports Center, York College, 899 S. Richland Ave., York. $10.
Garden Hotline Live: Solving Summer Bummers. Friday, June 10, noon-1 p.m. In this online session from Penn State Extension, learn tips on how to avoid common summer gardening mistakes. Free. Register online.
Art in the Gardens tour. Saturday, June 11, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Tour eight gardens in Columbia, each with an assigned artist. $15. Tickets will be sold on the tour day at Locust Street Park, 560 Locust St.
Strasburg Garden Tour. Saturday, June 11, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Sunday, June 12, noon-4 p.m. Tour 10 gardens in Strasburg. $15 (advance, $20 on tour day at Shroy House, 124 S. Decatur St.
Philadelphia Flower Show. Saturday, June 11–Sunday, June 19, 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Sunday, June 19, the show closes at 6 p.m. Tickets for specific dates are $45 for adults, $30 for ages 18-29 and $20 for children ages 5-17. Tickets for any day are $5 more.
Drought Tolerant Succulent Container Workshop. Saturday, June 11, 11 a.m. (plus 2 p.m.). Make a drought-tolerant succulent planter at Perfect Pots’ greenhouse, 745 Strasburg Pike. $10 deposit will be used for materials. Register online (11 a.m. and 2 p.m.).
Glass Blown Hanging Plant Holder. Saturday, June 11, 1-4 p.m. In this class from Pennsylvania Guild of Craftsmen, make two flameworked glass air plant holders. $115. Register online.
Sweet Summer Workshop. Saturday, June 11, 6 p.m. (and June 25). In this virtual class from Alice’s Table, make a floral arrangement. $72 (includes materials shipped to your home). Register online.
Growing Carnivorous Native Plants in a Container. Sunday, June 12, 1-2:30 p.m. In this online webinar from Penn State Extension, learn how to create a bog garden with carnivorous plants in a container. $5. Register online.
Wild Edibles. Sunday, June 12, 2-4 p.m. Learn about wild edibles found in Central Park with Lancaster County Parks Department. For ages 12 and older. $4 per person. Register by noon, June 10 at 717-295-2055 or online.
Butterfly Puddler Workshop. Monday, June 13, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Create a butterfly puddler pool at Ken’s Gardens, 2467 Old Philadelphia Pike. $10, includes materials to make one puddler. Register online.
Macrame and Succulent Pot Workshop. Monday, June 13, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Create a macrame plant hanger for a succulent at Ken’s Gardens, 3552 W. Newport Road, Intercourse. $30, includes materials to make one planter. Register online.
Bug Box Children’s Workshop. Monday, June 13, 2-3:30 p.m. Create a home for bugs and bees at Ken’s Gardens, 2467 Old Philadelphia Pike. $5, includes materials to make one box. For children in grades kindergarten-6th grade. Register online.
Inside the Hive. Monday, June 13, 7 p.m. Master beekeeper Jean Miller will talk about bees with Lancaster County Garden Club at Salem United Church of Christ, 2312 Marietta Ave., Rohrerstown. $5 donation for non-members.
Terrarium Workshop. Tuesday, June 14, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Create a terrarium at Ken’s Gardens, 2467 Old Philadelphia Pike. $10, includes three plants and materials. Container not included. Register online.
Pennsylvania Forest Seminar: Enhancing Forest Habitat. Tuesday, June 14, noon and 7 p.m. In this online webinar from Penn State Extension, learn how to create wildlife habitat in forested areas. Free. Register online.
Lancaster County Beekeepers Society. Tuesday, June 14, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Wellesley College’s Dr. Heather Mattila will talk about her bee research. The group will meet at The Gathering Place, 6 Pine St., Mount Joy and will stream the meeting via Zoom. Free and open to the public.
Herb Garden Workshop. Wednesday, June 15, 11 a.m.-noon. Create an herb-filled container garden at Ken’s Gardens, 3552 W. Newport Road, Intercourse. $30, includes materials to make one planter. Register online.
Wine Bottle Succulent Planter Workshop. Wednesday, June 15, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Create a succulent garden in a wine bottle at Ken’s Gardens, 2467 Old Philadelphia Pike. $25, includes four plants and materials. Register online.
Fairy/Gnome Door Workshop. Wednesday, June 15, 2-3:30 p.m. Create a door to fairies, elves, pixies, garden gnomes and trolls at Ken’s Gardens, 2467 Old Philadelphia Pike. $10. For children grades kindergarten-sixth grade. Register online.
Children’s Miniature Garden Workshop. Thursday, June 16, 11 a.m.-noon. (and June 17) Create a miniature garden at Ken’s Gardens, 3552 W. Newport Road, Intercourse. $5, includes materials to make one planter. For children grades kindergarten-sixth grade. Register online.
Herb Garden Workshop. Thursday, June 16, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Create an herb-filled container garden at Ken’s Gardens, 2467 Old Philadelphia Pike. $30, includes materials to make one planter. Register online.
Hershey Horticultural Society Annual Show. Thursday, June 16, 1-5 p.m. At Hershey Gardens, the society has displays, specimens and arrangements for judging and awards. Show included in garden admission.
Children’s Miniature Garden Workshop. Thursday, June 16, 2-3:30 p.m. Create a miniature garden at Ken’s Gardens, 2467 Old Philadelphia Pike. $5, includes materials to make one planter. For children grades kindergarten-sixth grade. Register online.
Over the Rainbow Workshop. Thursday, June 16, 8 p.m. In this virtual class from Alice’s Table, make a rainbow floral arrangement. $80 (includes materials shipped to your home). Register online.
Succulent Tabletop Zen Garden Workshop. Friday, June 17, 2-3 p.m. Create peaceful centerpiece garden at Ken’s Gardens, 3552 W. Newport Road, Intercourse. $25, includes materials to make one planter. Register online.
Potting 101 Online Workshop. Friday, June 17, 7 p.m. This webinar from The Sill focuses on how to pot and re-pot houseplants. Free. Register online.
Walk-in Kokedama Bar. Saturday, June 18, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Stop in and make a planter rooted in a moss-covered ball at Ken’s Gardens, 2467 Old Philadelphia Pike. $5. Register online.
Lancaster Bonsai Society. Saturday, June 18, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Club members will bring trees to exhibit at Ken’s Gardens, 2467 Old Philadelphia Pike.
Invasive Species ID and Management. Saturday, June 18, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. This virtual talk from Bowman’s Hill Wildflower Preserve explores how to identify the most common and troublesome invasive plants and ways to control them. $25. Register online.
Bring on the Sun! Heat/Drought Tolerant Succulent Container Workshop. Saturday, June 18, 11 a.m. (plus 2 p.m. and Saturday, June 25, same times). Make a drought-tolerant planter at Perfect Pots’ greenhouse, 745 Strasburg Pike. $10 deposit will be used for materials. Register online (11 a.m. and 2 p.m.; June 25, 11 a.m.; June 25, 2 p.m.).
Creating and Managing Landscapes for Native Bees. Tuesday, June 21, 6 p.m. This online talk from Longwood Gardens explores habitats, life cycles and behaviors of common native bees. $59. Register online.
Summer Plant Care Online Workshop. Tuesday, June 21, 7 p.m. This webinar from The Sill focuses on caring for houseplant in the summer. Free. Register online.
Bringing Up Baby: The American Robin. Saturday, June 25, 10 a.m. Learn about how robins build nests, hatch eggs, nourish nestlings and turn fledglings into the next generation. At LancasterHistory, 230 N. President Ave. Free. Registration is recommended.
Pop-Up Plant Bar. Saturday, June 25, 1-4 p.m. Make your own planter at the build-your-own plant bar at Nissley Vineyards Wine Shop, 301 Stanley K Tanger Dr., Lancaster. $15-75. Reserve a spot online.
Kokedama Succulent Project. Monday, June 27, 9 p.m. Plant Nite hosts this virtual class. $15 (supplies are $45 extra). Register online.
Distressed Wood Succulent Terrarium. Tuesday, June 28, 6 p.m. Plant Nite hosts this virtual class. $15 (supplies are $45 extra). Register online.
Ask the Experts about Roses. Thursday, June 30, 3 p.m. This online talk from National Garden Bureau focuses on growing roses. Free. Register online.
A Journey Through Your Garden: Lessons from America’s Garden Capital. Thursday, June 30, 6 p.m. In this virtual session from Garden Design magazine, David Culp will share lessons from some of the region’s most famous gardens. $20. Register online.
Moss Wall Workshop. Thursday, June 30, 6:30-7:30 p.m. In this virtual workshop from Terrarium Therapy, make a framed moss wall with live air plants. $75-84, includes materials to make one planter. Register online.
Secret Garden Workshop. Thursday, June 30, 8 p.m. (and more dates). In this virtual class from Alice’s Table, make a floral arrangement. $65 (includes materials shipped to your home). Register online.
Take a one-hour guided tour of Hershey Gardens with biologist Ray Barbehenn. Saturdays, 10-11 a.m. Free with garden admission.
Understanding Plants. This self-paced online course from Longwood Gardens covers plant identification, plant names, plus plant morphology and terminology. $189. Register online through June 5.
Everything About Orchids. This self-paced online course from Longwood Gardens focuses on orchids. Free. Register online through Aug. 16.
The World of Plants: Exploring Horticulture. This self-paced online course from Longwood Gardens focuses on the importance of plants in our lives. Free. Register online through Sept. 15.
And looking into July:
Tiny Ecosystems: Making Terrariums With the Terrarium Shop. Wednesday, July 6, 8:30-10 p.m. (starts). In this online, three-session class from Atlas Obscura, learn the history of terrariums and how to make your own. $150. Register online.
Kids Floral Design Class. Thursday, July 7, 9 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Learn how to cut flowers and make an arrangement with Flourish Flowers in East Earl. For children ages 5-12. $30. Register online.
Sunny State of Mind Workshop. Thursday, July 7, 8 p.m. (and more dates). In this virtual class from Alice’s Table, make a floral arrangement. $72 (includes materials shipped to your home). Register online
Bugs in Your Garden: A Closer Look at the Insects Around You. Saturday, July 9, 10 a.m.-noon. In this class from Penn State Extension, learn about beneficial and pest insects. At Southeast Agricultural Research and Extension Center, 1446 Auction Road, Manheim. $7. Register online.