Dog friendly garden ideas to make your space safe and fun

Dog friendly garden ideas to make your space safe and fun

Creating a dog friendly garden requires a little more thought and a degree of extra planning than gardens designed solely for the benefit of humans. But with the proper execution, the best dog friendly garden ideas will create an outdoor space that is both playful and safe for your furry friends to roam around in. 

Most garden ideas centre around practicality and aesthetic, but when there’s a small pup or two in the picture, a whole new level of planning is required. What makes dog friendly garden ideas so important is the fact that they help to keep dogs safe, whether from toxic plants, harmful soil, or from the temptation to run out of the garden and get lost. 

‘If you’re a dog owner and you love spending time in your garden, creating a dog-friendly outdoor space is essential,’ says Wendy Kruger, Dog Behaviour and Training Specialist, Woodgreen Pets Charity (opens in new tab). ‘Not only will it keep your furry friend happy and healthy, but it will also provide a safe and enjoyable environment for both of you.’

Two small brown dogs on patio area in front of seating and table

(Image credit: Bridgman)

Dog friendly garden ideas